Meditation Research

An examination of the studies and findings behind the science of meditation


Effects of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Asthma

Given the effects of Mediation on reducing sympathetic activity and respiratory rates, several studies have investigated whether meditation would have an effect on respiratory diseases.A study conducted at the NaturalTherapies Unit of the Royal Hospital for women, in Sydney, Australia, showed a significant beneficial effect of Sahaja Yoga on Asthma patients who were resistent to steroids (Manocha et al., 2000).

Chugh D. (1997): The effects of Sahaja Yoga in bronchial asthma and essential hypertension. New Delhi Medicos 13(5):46-47.
Manocha R, Marks GB, Kennhington P, Peters D, Salome CM. (2002): 
Sahaia yoga in the management of moderate to severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax 57(2):110-115.