Meditation Research

An examination of the studies and findings behind the science of meditation


Meditation is essentially a hypometabolic state with parasympathetic dominance – different from sleep – that elicits physical and mental calm, and has been reported to enhance psychological balance and emotional stability.In Western psychology three states of consciousness have been defined: sleep, dream and wakefulness. In Eastern philosophy and in several Western religious and mystical traditions, an additional and higher state of consciousness has been described, the so-called fourth state of consciousness, the state of “thoughtless awareness” (Ramamurthi 1995). In thoughtless awareness the duality of the mind is transcended and the practitioner experiences a state of deep mental silence. This state can be achieved by the practice of ‘meditation’. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Patanjali and Shearer, 1993), one of the oldest recorded scriptures on Meditation, ‘Yoga is a voluntary inhibition of irrelevant mental activity’.